Friday 6 December 2019

Blog 1.


Through the use of these following blogs, what shall be explored is the digital business of online social networks, in particular Facebook. I have already previously written a detailed report on the matter but for those who do not have time to read that can simply read these Blogs as a quick summary of my points, plus new points seeing as new information came to light since my submission.

The blogs shall first introduce the concept of social networks to then venture into a quick overview of the origin of Facebook exploring the first challenge the digital business was faced with. In due course the blogs shall also convey the business model of Facebook, the challenges they face both in legal discrepancies as well as the loss of users due to the loss of trust. There are also further conflicts within the digital business with their innovative ideas that are planned to commence within the next couple months. All this shall be explored with some of criticisms of my own work.

Online Social Networks

The online social networks was created during the web 2.0 era. The Web 1.0 generation was a very basic internet where the usage was primarily through websites in order to access published content. With the creation of Web 2.0 came social networks, where users could begin to, instead of accessing published content, they could generate their own content. It is believed that “the Web 2.0 concept had an almost messianic view of harnessing social networking for business goals” (Hosch, 2009). As social networks develop, upgrade and improve inevitably the internet needed to also. Henceforth, the creation of Web 3.0, increasing the user generated content further, was due to the popularity of social networks like Facebook increasing.

Image result for web 1.0
Figure 1. 

The Social Network Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. Originally the social network was entailed to allow university students to converse with one another to help each other with assignments, lecture details and so forth. However, after Zuckerberg had graduated he realised there was a larger platform he could explore on a greater scale. This scale being the rest of the internet sphere. This may sound very accessible, however he did set a minimum age limit for users at 13. The way this was monitored was through users having to put their date of birth when creating an account. Of course this is not a very preventative measure, seeing as it does not take a genius to put a fake birthday. Regardless, it was done for good reasoning, yet poorly implemented highlighting from the very start that there were problems surrounding Facebook. Little did they know, having underage users would be the least of their problems. My report did not discuss this issue, which perhaps it should have to highlight that issues did not occur recently, yet from the very start conveying that online security was always an issue, not just a new development in the digital business sphere.

Image result for facebook



  1. The blog is well structured and easy to read. It was also very informative, as it tells you how Facebook generates their revenue and the issues that the company is facing. The use of graphs and pictures did help to make the blog more colorful and interesting. There was also good use of academic sources throughout the blog. However, the blog could use some more contemporary sources such as news article. This might give the reader insight into the current situation. The blog should also be more consistent with the design. Overall, the blog was very informative and fun to read.

    1. Thank you for your comment and thank you for pointing out the inconsistency as I had not realised. Next time I will make sure to have a variety of different sources :)

  2. The blog was very detailing, very easy to read and interesting. However, I think there should be more references.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I tried to avoid using too many sources to keep it simple and to the point however a few more could have been included.

  3. very nice introduction and good structure, a very easy and steady read.

  4. Great way of introducing Facebook and explaining how it started also the way it developed
